

Guest Book


The Games

Days Out
   Bad Tölz & Lenggries
   Roy's Munich
   Deutsches Museum


On the road

Caption Competition

Quotes & Funny stuff


28/06/06 Bad Tölz & Lenggries

Pictures from the first day without football since 9th June. Three of the Plumbers took a trip on the trains to the spa town of Bad Tölz and the ski resort of Lenggries.

Bad Tölz...
Bad Tölz...

Bad Tölz bridge over the Isar
Bad Tölz bridge over the Isar
View from a café
View from a café
& what they're looking at
& what they're looking at

The café
The café
The Isar...
The Isar...

The main drag...
The main drag...


... and off to Lenggries
... and off to Lenggries
Still by the Isar
Still by the Isar
The cable car up.
The cable car up.
Farmland at the top - no snow today.
Farmland at the top - no snow today.
A bit hazy & cloudy
A bit hazy & cloudy

top of the cable car station
top of the cable car station
Looking towards the Tölzer Hütte...
Looking towards the Tölzer Hütte...
Looking towards the Tölzer Hütte
Looking towards the Tölzer Hütte
...could be a place
...could be a place
... for a beer
... for a beer

and we take the high road back
and we take the high road back
There's a mountain with snow on it there somewhere
There's a mountain with snow on it there somewhere

Several photos in one - can you spot the joins?
Several photos in one - can you spot the joins?
top of the cable car station
top of the cable car station





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