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On the road
Green Team
Blue Team
On The Road
What's happening away from the IBC -
The Green Team on tour
More pictures to come, the upload from Andy was interrupted by the loss of a certain football match
Sorry, a few file transmission problems here, hope to get them sorted.
On the road again |
Beaming Like the moon |
Beaming like a rainbow |
3 Lambourghines hold up Green Team on mountain road |
Green Team reap revenge and hold up 7 other Lambos |
Mountain to the left |
Mountains behind |
Yipee just squeezed over that monster |
BBC Studio Vienna ?????????? |
Generator saga begins with a bang |
OH dear oh Dear |
Pauline is it alright to claim swarfega on the expenses |
Saltzburg Security - Honestly |
Still one of the boys |
Okay so not as many cords as IBC |
Random mountain |
Another random mountain |
Random Austrian |
Old Faithful comes out to play |
Carparks of Austria we know and love |
Carparks of Austria we know and love II |