

Caption Competition

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On the road
   Green Team
   Blue Team


On The Road

What's happening away from the IBC -

The Green Team on tour
More pictures to come, the upload from Andy was interrupted by the loss of a certain football match

Sorry, a few file transmission problems here, hope to get them sorted.

On the road again
On the road again
Beaming Like the moon
Beaming Like the moon
Beaming like a rainbow
Beaming like a rainbow
3 Lambourghines hold up Green Team on mountain road
3 Lambourghines hold up Green Team on mountain road
Green Team reap revenge and hold up 7 other Lambos
Green Team reap revenge and hold up 7 other Lambos
Mountain to the left
Mountain to the left
Mountains behind
Mountains behind
Yipee just squeezed over that monster
Yipee just squeezed over that monster
BBC Studio Vienna ??????????
BBC Studio Vienna ??????????
Generator saga begins with a bang
Generator saga begins with a bang
OH dear oh Dear
OH dear oh Dear
Pauline is it alright to claim swarfega on the expenses
Pauline is it alright to claim swarfega on the expenses
Saltzburg Security - Honestly
Saltzburg Security - Honestly
Still one of the boys
Still one of the boys
Okay so not as many cords as IBC
Okay so not as many cords as IBC
Random mountain
Random mountain
Another random mountain
Another random mountain
Random Austrian
Random Austrian
Old Faithful comes out to play
Old Faithful comes out to play
Carparks of Austria we know and love
Carparks of Austria we know and love
Carparks of Austria we know and love II
Carparks of Austria we know and love II

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