

Guest Book


The Games
   Germany v Sweden
   England v Ecuador
   Portugal v France

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The Games - England v Ecuador

Roy & Pete's pictures from the day of England v Ecuador, 25/06/06 at the Gottlieb Daimler Stadion, Stuttgart.

ICE train
ICE train

Stuttgart Hauptbahnhof
Stuttgart Hauptbahnhof
Biergarten in park next to Hauptbahnhof
Biergarten in park next to Hauptbahnhof

The menu said ½ bratwurst im baggette...
The menu said "½ bratwurst im baggette"...
the park...
the park...

At the stadium, Broadcasters Compound
At the stadium, Broadcasters Compound
Ecuador fans
Ecuador fans
The England coach
The England coach

Hills in the background
Hills in the background
The Gottlieb Daimler Stadion
The Gottlieb Daimler Stadion

Our commentary team - positions 87 & 88
Our commentary team - positions 87 & 88

The Ecuador Fans in yellow
The Ecuador Fans in yellow

Kick off
Kick off
Half time pics. Still 0-0
Half time pics. Still 0-0
Drinking water! It was hot!
Drinking water! It was hot!

Beckham scores 1-0
Beckham scores 1-0
England celebrate
England celebrate

Full Time 1-0
Full Time 1-0

Right next to the Stadium
Right next to the Stadium

The centre of Stuttgart
The centre of Stuttgart

Note the time...
Note the time...
and the temperature
and the temperature

clouds are threatening (not the fans)
clouds are threatening (not the fans)

Back at the biergarten the storm arrives.
Back at the biergarten the storm arrives.

Germans drag us into more sheltered area
Germans drag us into more sheltered area
and they are singing "Three Lions"
and they are singing "Three Lions"
we have to join in
we have to join in
They said "English weather"
They said "English weather"
Back in Munich...
Back in Munich...
catch up with the rest of our team
catch up with the rest of our team
in "Calabrone", our local Italian restaurant
in "Calabrone", our local Italian restaurant
Little P
Little P
Roy, Mike & JP
Roy, Mike & JP
Pete & Camel
Pete & Camel





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