

Guest Book


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Quotes & Funny stuff



Best keep these anonymous...
... oh, OK then ;)

The quote boardJP: Asking waiter for more wine in an Italian restuarant in Munich: "Encore"

Toddy: "Chances are Ruud Gullit has probably never driven past a Novotel, let alone stayed in one"

Camel: "Power walk? Closest I get is a power shower"

Rick: Confession after an outbreak of ebola at the IBC: "I am undoubtedly the source"

Dickie: "The girl that just woke up in my room said 'I'm meant to be at school....'" (yes this has remained anonymous).

JP: "We've only got 2 weeks and a day 'til the end" - Camel: "I thought it was only 15 days"

Jonesy: "Pleasing Peter, pissing off Paul"

Make up lady: "So Ruud, which team will you be supporting tonight?" (Before Portugal v Netherlands)

Tobi ... to Terry Venables after listening to his jazz CD: "You can make it big!"

Little P: "I've got to spread my legs" - bad table manners.

Gip: "My fingers never worked so hard in my life"

Little P: "It needs a trim"

Mossy: "Mark who?"

Toddy: "I ****ing love birds" - in a lap dancing bar

Monica to JP: "Will you be the father of my 2nd baby?"

Stan to Rupert: "Have a suck on this"

Most people: "You've had a right Mike Hall of a day" - refering to the results predictions.

JP: "I can't believe I'm going to Portugal on holiday" - Camel: "Are you going diving?" (On England v Portugal day)

Camel: "Cheats Prosper" (on Portugal beating England)

Big P: "I like a good pair of gnashers"

Camel: "You may as well have the World Cup in a swimming pool and let the f***ers dive"

Little P: "Erm, Erm, Erm, Erm, Erm, Erm, Erm, Erm, Erm, Erm, Erm."

Simon M: "The mixed zone waits for no Gabriel Clarke"

Simon M: "Pardon Pardon" (on bad mobile reception in Baden-Baden)

Pleaty (in restaurant): "Pardon, pardon, sausage cold"

Little P: "I'm on the floor I've done it before"

Stan: "I'm Stan the swallower"

Peter D: "Camel, I wish I could live my life through your head"

Big P: "Pearcey's gone to unload"

Camel: "I've taken worse"

Stan: "The stroking I will be quite good at"

Rick: "We could have a bash tomorrow Eric"

Roy: "Jon, you put me off when you scream"

Roy (to Camel): "My hand's sore - that's playing with you all day"

Gip "She was good til she opened her mouth and put her tongue out"

Pleaty (on air, Germany v Italy): "It's so good to see two strikers playing with each other"

Little P: "I came in the back entrance"

OD: "I've been looking for some slack all month"

Big P (with Camel): "I think we might score soon"

Jemma: "It's great having a girl on top"








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