
General Pics
Who's Who?

Click these links for pictures taken on June 7th/8th; June 8th evening; June 9th; June 11th; June 13th; June 14th: On the road in Korea.; Korea celebrates.; June 15th; June 16th; June 17th; June 18th; June 19th; June 19th DMZ & evening; June 20th; Sykes's Pics; June 22nd; June 22nd Evening; England Team Hotel; June 23rd; June 24th; June 25th; June 27th; Terry's Pics

The "Mitch's Bitches" page

click here for other pictures taken by Gip.

click here for the caption competition.

Photos from Seoul (22nd June 2002 evening)

Korea celebrates beating Spain in the Quarter Finals.

Police cars are not immune
Police cars are not immune

This car started the night with a rear window & no dents
This car started the night with a rear window & no dents
Roy landing on one didn't help!
Roy landing on one didn't help!

Gip's pictures:

The Evening Gets Late...
The Evening Gets Late...
...Very Late
...Very Late


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