

Guest Book

The Night We Lost


   IBC People
   Inside the IBC
   Outside the IBC
   VIP Arts Hotel
   Techie Bits
   Nights Out
   Days Out
   Passed Out
   Press party


Funny stuff


Rob's Pictures



Site History

Nights Out


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We've been very busy so far, honest. However the pictures are starting to roll in proving it's not all just work.
Central Lisbon is easy to get to by taxi and often hair raisingly fast (140kph in a 80kph limit!)

First visit to town
Cervejaria Trindade

One of the local restaurants - Chimarrão

It's a Brazilian meat fest

with large cognacs to follow

evidence is recorded

Second visit to town

"Alfaia" restaurant

and afterwards a bar...

and on the streets...

16/06/04, The Docas

another docks redevelopement

under the "Punto 25 do Abril"

Café Pasta

A "Ludlow" to stop the table wobbling

Abramovich's yacht - seen on the way home.

Bennie at the Delhi Palace

Under the table at the Delhi Palace



And afterwards in the Bairro Alto (again)

Not a night out exactly...

we were on the way back to the hotel from the IBC

when we said we must check out the bowling sometime...

... so we did.

Curry after the Sweden v Holland marathon

And the stawarts carried on to 'the strip'

Next night, a little bowling again

Gip's stance has improved

Hans Peter has an important task

It wasn't that bad!

"The Plumbers" night out at XL restaurant

Toy playing never stops

a 'right sized' coffee


...and Simon still alert

Not so sure about Hans Peter ...

...or Gip

Bubble gum rather than after dinner mints!


Another curry night. Rupe's all right Jack.

It's in honour of Jon's birthday

CU of the birthday 'cake'

Our last Saturday night

Eating al fresco, not by choice,

but all inside places were full.

A bit chilly outside though...

Elbows on the tables to stop the tablecloths blowing away.

Lane drops by.

Buskers drop by.

... and a final beer or two in Bairro Alto


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